Bahaman Sea Blue

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5 thoughts on “Bahaman Sea Blue

  1. 1. “want to go paddling?” shows a typical object in such a bizarre way, that it makes something that could be dull very compelling. you never see a paddle boat like that, and it makes it very interesting.
    2. the close up of rings in carpet is cropped close enough, and from such a low angle, it gives something usually viewed as flat a new perspective, and a point of view thats really original.

  2. Out of all the photos of your 10 here, I would definitely say that “Want to go Paddling?” and “I’ll have a Blue Christmas, Without You.” are my favorites. I like the first one because it is a very unique object and I love that you found this, and even though the object itself is not entirely blue, the parts of it that are, are that exact shade that the rest of your photos have captured as well and I love that about it. The second photo is a great composition that keeps my eye going along that curve in the photograph from the bottom of the frame to the top and vice versa. 🙂

  3. I have no idea why, but i obsess about textures. The three images “The Blue Doo”, “Blue as a Feather”, and “July 20, 1969” I seriously love. I really want to know how you made the July 20, 1969 picture. I wanna say its some kind of Icing? Its a cool texture, non-the-less.

  4. Right away, my eye goes to the 3 similar photographs that show different textures– the fake fur, the feathers, and the paper– it’s interesting to visually compare images that relate so closely in color and composition. For Big K, I feel like a closer framing on “Big” would emphasize the blue color more– standing alone, the K becomes the point of emphasis in that photograph (as K-Mart probably intended). I’m more interested in the surprising locations for the color– the blue of the pool, the blue in the structure of that sign, and it makes me wonder where else the color might turn up. Nice first project.

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